I was at home when the storm broke. It poured down on the house so I called my dogs inside and shut all the windows and doors and then went to sleep.
At aproximately 2:00 in the morning the thunder and lightning began. It crashed about my small cabin in north Cumberland county. The dogs whined and hid under my foldout couch. Then the sky began to light up. Harsh lightning crashed over the lake and it was then that an ear-piercing blast of astronomical proportions sounded and the cabin shook at its foundations. I got out of my cot and wandered outside. Then I saw it. It was a huge cylinder-shaped light which blinded me. Then a light shone down on me and I felt much lighter. I slowly drifted upwards into the light. I then felt a sudden surge of energy entering my body and I fell into a deep sleep.
When I awoke I felt very cold and frightened. In my mind I kept seeing flashes of light all around me. These lights were brighter than the light background. When I looked at my surroundings I was in the woods and what was left of my clothing was severly torn or mangled. I wandered aimlessly through the woods until I came to a backroad where I sat down and for the first time noticed the things that had been done to me while I was asleep. I had three slashes that extended all the way around my left arm. My hair which I had taken much pride in was gone and I found burns on my back and on the back of my legs.
That was seven years ago but the mental images of the flashing lights remain. When I was picked up I was told that it was the 26th. I had been abducted for three days. I turn to this organization after my friends and family thought I was crazy. Please believe me for I have no one else to turn to.
For example, did the light flash in any particular pattern that you can remember?
Since I have also found myself drifting up into a strange light in the sky, and have total recall of what took place aboard the ship I found myself in, I believe your story. Since most of us are gone for only minutes or hours, I'm very interested in your case. A lot can happen to a person in 3-days!
Hopefully you will respond to this request for further information so we can share more of what happened to you with others who read this netpage. Needless to say, your case is very intriging and we will help you in any way we can. -- Editor